
Showing posts from 2013

Alam-e-Burzakh Kay Ibrat Angaiz Waqiat pdf Free Download

Free download or read online Urdu book "Alam-e-Burzakh Kay Ebrat Angain Waqiat", authored by Hafiz Momin Khan Usmani.  Alam-e-Burzakh Kay Ibrat Angaiz Waqiat Urdu book is about the moral and lesson-able stories of the grave. The author Mr. Hafiz Momin Khan Usmani is an Islamic scholar who has described the situations of a human after his/her death. The author has collected Hadiths and verses form the Holy Qur'an that are related to the situation of a grave. The author has also described about the joys of heaven. However this book is mainly contained on the punishments after death for different sins in Islam. In the said book the author has also described some wonderful and scary stories of sinful person who faced punishments in their graves. This book is a must read book for every Muslim who can read and understand Urdu language. So don't miss to download this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons.                                         Brief Information of ...

Qur'an Ki Suchai Aur Science K Aiterafat Pdf Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Islam Ki Suchai Scince K Aiterafat" (The truth of Islam and the recognition of Science), authored by I.A Ibrahim and Mohsin Farani. The authors have collected alot of information about Islam and Islamic history. They have also collected some maps of different places of the world in this Urdu book "Islami Ki Suchai aur Science Kay Aiterafat". Both the authors Mr. Mohsin Farani and I. A Ibrahim have worked hard to compile this Urdu book. This book is about the relation between Islam and Science. The authors have deeply researched and explore the Scientific theories that are also mentioned in Islam. In brief, the authors have compared the Ideas and teaching of Islam with the theories and laws of Science. However in this book you will find alot of general knowledge related to Islam in Urdu langauge. So don't miss to download this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons.                                         Brief Info...

December 2012 Qayamat K Qaim Hone Ka Mahina Hai? Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "December 2012 Qayamat K Qaim Hone Ka Mahina Hai?", authored by Naveed Faisal. This Urdu book is about the false propaganda about December 21, 2012. Since 2012 is passed but this book is still very useful because there are alot of information about the Judgement day. The author, Mr. Naveed Faisal has collected the Hadiths and speeches releated to Qayamah, of the Islamic scholars in this Urdu book. The author has deeply investigated about 21 December, 2012 and wrote his investigations in this Urdu book December 2012 Qayamat K Qaim Hone Ka Mahina Hai? (Is December 2012 the month of end?). The author has described the big and small signs of the Judgement day according to Islam. This book seems to be an Islamic Book.                                         Brief Information of the book   Book Name: December 2012 Qayamat K Qaim Hone Ka Mahina Hai? Writer: Naveed Faisal Language: Urdu Format: Pdf Size: 21.46 MB Pages: 295 Read more ยป

Ghamdi Mazhab Kia Hai? Urdu Book Free download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Ghamdi Mazhab Kiya Hai?", authored by Professor Maulana Mohammad Rafiq who is a well known and popular Islamic scholar. Ghamdi Mazhab Kya Hai Urdu book is about the criticism on the so-called Javed Ahmed Ghamdi who claims to be an Islamic scholar but his believes and teachings conflict with the teaching of Islam. In this book, the author Maulana Mohammad Rafiq has written about the false believes of Javed Ghamdi, the author has mentioned his believes with the reference to his books and magazines and then compared his false and fake believes with the true Islamic teachings. Javed Ahmed Ghamdi usually appears and discusses about Islam on Pakistani government TV channel PTV. Javed Ahmed Ghamdi is not only criticized by the author but also extremely criticized by many other well known Islamic scholars because of his false believes. What are the false believes of Javed Ahmed Ghamdi about Islam? to find the answers, please download or read on...

Tofan-e-Nooh A.S pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Tofan-e-Nooh A.S", compiled by Maulana Mohammad Ishaq Dehlvi who is a well known Islamic scholar from India. Tofan-e-Nooh A.S Urdu book is about the flood, storm and ark of the Prophet Noah. Tofane-e-Noah Urdu book is a brief book in which the author has collected the stories of the nation of prophet Noah A.S. The author has completely written this book in the light of the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths. Toofan-e-Nooh is a brief Urdu book of about 36 pages. The doom on the Nation of the Holy prophet, prophet Noah is also mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. Tofan-e-Nooh is a free Urdu book and you can download or read it online from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Urdu Romanvi Novel Ye Dil K Mausam Pdf Free Download

Free download or read online Urdu Romantic novel "Ye Dil K Mausam" by Nighat Abdullah and enjoy reading different love stories in Urdu language. There are 5 different love stories in this Urdu book. The first one is Ye Dil K Mosam, 2nd Naye Mausamo Ki Naveed, 3rd Tu Ne Paar Utara Hai, 4th Dastak To Do and the 5th is Rim Jhim Barsa Mausam. The author of this romantic Urdu novel, Ms. Nighat Abdullah is a popular writer and novelist. She is the author of various Urdu novels. Ye Dil Kay Mausam is one of her popular and most read novel. Urdu lovers have always like her writings. Read more ยป

Dastango Ashfaq Ahmed by A. Hameed Free Download

Free download or read online Urdu novel "Dastango Ashfaq Ahmed" by Abdul Hameed. This novel is about the life and life style of Ashfaq Ahmad who is a well known Urdu writer and popular Urdu novelist like his wife Bano Qudsiya. Abdul Hameed's first collection of short stories received popular acclaim. Apart from writing short stories and novels he wrote columns for national newspapers. He also wrote for radio and television.  He has written more than 200 books. Urdu She'r Ki Dastan, Urdu Nasr ki Dastan (in which he has given information about the prose literature of many Urdu prose writers from Banda Nawas gesu Draz to the recent prose writers of Daccen and Gugrat), Mirza Ghalib, Dastango Ashfaq Ahmad and Mirza Ghalib Lahore mai are his most famous books.  Read more ยป

Imam Abu Hanifa K Hairat Angaiz Waqiat Book Download

Download or read online Urdu book about Imam-e-Abu Hanifa. The cover name of this book is "Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa K Hairat Angaiz Waqiat" (The wonderful stories of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A) and the author of this book is Maulana Abdul Qayyum Haqqani who is a well Known Dewbandi Islamic Scholar. Maulana has worked hard and tried his best to collect the stories of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A who is one of the 4 most authentic Imams in the History of Islam. Imam Abu Hanifa R.A was a well known, most respected and popular Islamic scholar because he was an Imam. Imam Abu Hanifa R.A Ke Hairat Angaiz Waqiat Urdu book is totally about the life of Imam Abu Hanifa. There are a lot of moral and inspirational stories related to Islam. In this book the author has also described some events that occurred in the life of Imam Abu Hanifa. Once a fake person claimed that he was a prophet, Muslims arrested him for his fake claim and brought him before Imam Abu Hanifa, the fake prophet asked Imam to let him ...

Ameer Taimor Urdu book by Herald LIam Free download

Download or read online Urdu book "Ameer Taimor" by Herald Liam. This book is the Urdu translation of Herald Liam's Book Tamerlane. This is a complete Urdu book about Tamerlane (Emir Timur) who  was a Turko-Mongol ruler of Barlas lineage. He conquered West, South and Central Asia and founded the Timurid dynasty. He was the grandfather of Ulugh Beg, who ruled Central Asia from 1411 to 1449, and the great-great-great-grandfather of Babur Beg, founder of the Mughal Empire, which ruled parts of South Asia for around four centuries, from 1526 until 185. Herald Liam is a European writer who has also written a book about Salah Uddin Ayyubi. Timur envisioned the restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan. As a means of legitimating his conquests, Timur relied on Islamic symbols and language, referring to himself as the Sword of Islam and patronizing educational and religious institutions. He converted nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam during his lifetime. His armies ...

Qur'ani Malomat Sawalan Jawaban Book Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Qur'ani Malomat", compiled by  Mohammad Tayyab Mohammad Khattab Bhawarvi. Qurani Maloomat Urdu book is about knowledge from the Holy Qur'an. The author Mr.  Mohammad Tayyab Mohammad Khattab Bhawarvi has worked hard and written this Urdu book in the form of questions and their answers. Qur'ani Malomat Urdu book is very recommended for those people who want to increase their general knowledge. There are alot of information about the Holy Qur'an in Urdu language. There are 276 questions related to the Holy Qur'an along with their answers in Urdu language. The book is divided into 9 different topics about the information related to the Holy Qur'an. This is a free Urdu book and you can download it or read online from the below blinking buttons for free. Read more ยป

Tilsimat-e-Firang Urdu Safarnama By Ali Sufyan Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu Safarnama "Tilismat-e-Firang", authored by Ali Sufyan Afaqi who is a journalist and Urdu writer. Ali Sufyan Afaqi has written various books of Urdu language. He has inspired the young generation through his Urdu writings. Tilismat-e-Firang (The glamours of British) is the travel story of Ali Sufyan Afaqi. In this Urdu book Tilismat-e-Firang he has described his experiences in England. He has also narrated many related stories that attract the hearts of readers. His writing style is very mature and beautiful. You can say that this is a complete Urdu book about England. Don't miss to download this free Urdu book or read it online from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Undlas Pukarta Hai By Irshad Qamar Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Undlas Pukarta Hai" (Spain calls) , authored by Irshad Qamar who worked hard and wrote this book in order to remind the golden history of Muslims' ancient Spain. Undlas Pukarta Hai Urdu book is about the history of ancient Spain where the Muslims ruled for about 800 years. The author of the Undlas Pukarta Hai Mr. Irshad Qamar is a Pakistani presiding in Europe. He has written the history of Spain during the Muslims' rule in a very beautiful way. The author has written the story in a poetical way. Don't miss to read online or free download this book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Urdu Book about Bait-ul-Muqaddas Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Bait-Ul-Muqaddas", authored by Mufti Mohammad Faiz Ahmad Awaisi, This is a unique Urdu book about Bait-ul-Muqaddas or Al-Aqsa Mosque which is a holy place for three different religions including Islam. Bait-Ul-Muqaddas book is about the history of Al-Aqsa Masjid however the author has also described the crusade wars between Muslims and Christians on Bait-ul-Muqaddas in this book. The author of this book Mr. Mufti Mohammad Faiz Ahmad Owaisi has also described about Masjid Gunbad-e-Khizra (Doom of Rock), Al-Aqsa Masjid (Bait-ul-Muqaddas). Don't miss to download or read online this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Yaroshlam Ek Sheher 3 Mazahib by Karen Armstrong Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Yaroshlam, Ek Sheher 3 Mazahib", authored by Karen Armstrong who is a British author and commentator known for her books on comparative religion. A former Roman Catholic religious sister, she went from a conservative to a more liberal and mystical Christian faith. Yaroshlam, 1 Sheher 3 Mazahib Urdu book is actually the Urdu translation of Karen Armstrong book Jerusalem, One city three faiths. This book is translated into Urdu language by Zahir Mansoor Faroqi and the credit of this books goes to him. Yaroshalem Ek Sheher teen Mazahib is a unique Urdu book about the Holy city Jerusalem. The author of this book is Christian but according to the translator of this book, Mr. Zahir Mansoor Farooqi, the author has written this book impartially.  Read more ยป

Safarnama-e-Spain O Falastin Book Free Download

Read online or free download Urdu book "Safarnama Spain O Falastin", authored by Maulana Waheed Uddin Khan and explore what did the author experience in Spain and Palestine. Safarnama Spain O Falastin Urdu book is actually the two separate travel stories of the author who has been to Spain and Palestine separately but according to the author both the stories are relevant and common so the stories was combined and published. According to the author Mr. Waheed Uddin Khan, this book is only Safarnama (The travel Stories) and there is nothing about the history of Spain and Palestine. In this book there are some maps of cities of these countries. There are also the photos of some places from these countries. Read more ยป

Tareekh-e-Undlas By Riasat Ali Urdu Book Free Download

Read online or download free history related Urdu book "Tareekh-e-Undulas" (The history of ancient Spain), authored by Maulana Riasat Ali Nadvi. This is a big Urdu book of 400 pages about the history of ancient Spain where the Muslims ruled for 8 centuries when Tariq Bin Ziad burnt his boats after reaching to the coast of Spain and captured the Spain territory after battle with the king of Spain. The author Mr. Riasat Ali Nadvi has described the complete history of Spain in Urdu language in this Urdu book Tareekh-e-Undlas. The author has also spotlighted the geography and population of Spain of that times. He has also discussed in detail about the Muslims war on Spain and about Tariq Bin Ziad in Urdu language. In Tareekh-e-Undlas pdf Urdu book, you will also explore about the Muslims kings who ruled on the ancient Spain. Tareekh-e-Undulas book is very helpful for the history students. Don't miss to download this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool Aur Disaster Management Book Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Ibtedai Tibbi Imdad aur Disaster management", authored by Dr. Rizwan Naseer and sponsored by World Health Organization and federal ministry of health Pakistan. Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool aur Disaster Management (the principles of first aid and disaster management) book is totally about disaster management and the complete principle of first aid in Urdu language. The author Dr. Rizwan Naseer has tried his best to teach the complete principles with the help of images and plain Urdu text. You will easily understand the principles of first aid. You will also explore what is disaster management. Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad Urdu book is a must read book for every one. THE ONE WHO SAVED A HUMAN LIFE IS SAME AS HE/SHE SAVED ALL HUMANITY. Don't miss to download this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Main Gunahgar To Nahi By Inayat Ullah Free Download

Download or read online Free Urdu book "Main Gunah Gar to Nahi" authored by Inayatullah who is a well known Urdu novelist and Urdu writer from Pakistan. The author Mr. Inayat Ullah has written many Urdu books and novels. Main Gunahgaar To Nahi Urdu novel is about the 7 true, sensational, awesome and faithful stories. According to the author, children should also read this book because there are 2 stories very recommended for the children to read. Allah Gawah Hai (Allah is witness), Jab Teesra Bacha Qatal Hua (Whet the third child murdered), Tughyani ka Tilsam (the floods' magic), Jab Baita Jawan Hua (when the son became young), Aur Larki Mujhe Ghaar se Nikal Laai,  (and the girl lifted me from the cave), Main Gunahgar to Nahi (i am not guilty) and Zameer Ka Kanta (conscience's thorn) are the 7 different stories written in Main Gunahgaar to Nahi Urdu novel. You can read online or free download this Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Safar Dar Safar By Ashfaq Ahmad Free Download

Read online or free download Urdu novel "Safar Dar Safar", authored by Ashfaq Ahmed who is  a writer, playwright, broadcaster, intellectual and spiritualist from Pakistan. Ashfaq Ahmed authored more than twenty books in Urdu. His works included novels, short stories and plays for television and radio. His wife Banu Qudsiya is also a well known Urdu novelist. This Urdu novel Safar Dar Safar is also one of his favorite book and Urdu novel. Ashfaq Ahmed always writes interesting stories. Safar Dar Safar seems to be a story outside of Pakistan. You can read online or free download Safar Dar Safar Urdu novel of Ashfaq Ahmad from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Tareekhi Hadisat Book by Tahir Javed Mughar Download

Read online or free download Urdu book "Tareekhi Hadisat"(Historical incidents), authored by Tahir Javaid Mughal who is a well known Urdu novelist, popular writer and the author of various Urdu books. Tareekhi Hadisaat Urdu book is about the historical incidents that ever occurred in the world. The author has discussed the 9/11 incident first, he has spotlighted the destruction of world trade center and Pentagon. Similarly the author has also discussed about the London when the London city sank in the blue sea water. The death of 10 football super stars, the fire in London, the destruction of air-plains, the cost of one mistake is the death of 90 people, these topics are described in Urdu language in this Urdu book Tareekhi Hadisat (the historical accidents). You can read online or free download Tareekhi Hadisat Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Jasoos Kaisay Banta Hai by Tariq Ismail Download

Read online or free download Urdu book "Jasoos Kaisay Banta Hai", authored by Tariq Ismail Sagar who is a well known espionage novelist and popular Urdu writer from Pakistan. Tariq Ismail Sagar has written various books and novels. The author has also written many books about espionage and on secret services intelligence agencies of the world. Tariq Ismail Sagar has huge experience in espionages. This Urdu book "Jasoos Kaisey Banta hai" is also a masterpiece of him. In this Urdu book he has discussed about espionage in Urdu language, Agents and Handlers, types of action agents, the recruitment of agents/spy, agent and case officer, secret writings, about propaganda and many other similar interesting topics are narrated in Urdu language. The author has also described about the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad. According to the author, espionage is a kind of science. Free download or read online Jasoos Kaisay banta hai Urdu book from the below blinking buttons. Rea...

Qur'an Aur Sciency Daryaftain By Zakir Naik Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Qur'an and Sciency Daryaftain", authored by Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik who is a well known Islamic scholar from India and popular across the world as he owns a non-profit channel Peace TV. Qur'an and Sciency Daryaftain (Qur'an and Scientific discoveries) book is about the relationship between the Holy Qur'an and scientific theories. Challenge of the Holy Qur'an, Big-bang review, structure of the earth, the sun will not remain, the spread of universe, genetics and many similar things are reviewed in the light of the Holy Qur'an. Qur'an Aur Sciency Daryaftain Urdu book is in Pdf format and you can free download or read it online from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Dunya K Os Paar Book by Mufti Taqi Usmani Free Download

Read online and free download Urdu Islamic book "Dunya K Os Paar" (Beyond the world) authored by Maulana Mufti Taqi Usmani who is a well known and popular Islamic scholar from Pakistan and has written various books in Arabic, Urdu and English languages for the Muslim world. Urdu book Dunya K Os Paar is about the impressions and feelings of those people who reached to the doorstep of death but survived. The Maulana Mufti Taqi Usmani has collected those impressions and feelings of such a people in this book. The author has also discussed such a impressions and feelings in the light of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. In this book you will find the Islamic answers of what will happen after death? and what is the relationship of Body and spirit?. Dunya K Os Paar is a small Urdu book in Pdf format and you can easily download or read online it free from the below blinking download or read online buttons. Read more ยป

Insan Aur Shaitan Pdf Urdu book Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu book "Shaitan Aur Insan" (Human and Monster/Satan), compiled by Hafiz Mubashir Hussain Lahori. Shaitan Aur Insan book is about how to save from Satan/Monster. The author Hafiz Mubashir Hussain Lahori has compiled this book in the light of Islam. In this book you will find who is satan/Monster? was Ibless an angel? is it possible to make spirits present? The author has also described the theory of Monsters/Satans in different religions, the purpose of the birth of Monsters/Satan, a Momin Jinn and Satanic Jinn, the world of Satans and Jinns etc. Mr. Mubashir Hussain has also narrated an interesting story of Satans and also commented a para on it.  Insan aur Shaitan is a complete and long Urdu book about Satan. You can read it online and free download from the below blinking buttons. Read more ยป

Musalmano Ko Intibah Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Musalmano ko Intibah" by Majlis-e-Fikar-e-Islami. Musalmano ko Intibah Pdf Urdu book is the Urdu translation of and compilation of the sermon of Imam and Khatib of Masjid-e-Nabawi Mr. Shykh Abdur Rahman Al Huzaifi. However the Representative and translator of this book is Unknown. Musalmano ko Intibah (Warning to Muslims) Urdu book is about his spiritual speech in which the Khatib of Imam-e-Masjid alert the Muslims about Christians and Jews. He forbidden the Muslims rulers not make non-Muslims friends because Islam forbids the friendship of a Muslim with non-Muslim. In the said book, the translator and compiler has also described the Non-Muslims conspiracies against the Muslims. Musalmano Ko Intebah is a brief Urdu book of about 33 pages, you can read it online or free download it from the below blinking buttons.  Read more ยป

Mufeed Aalmi Maloomat Sawalan Jawaban pdf Book Download

Download or read online a free Urdu book of General Knowledge "Mufeed Aalmi Maloomat Sawalan Jawaban"(Useful International General knowledge in Urdu), authored by Ilyas Adil. This is a big book of 782 pages about general knowledge in Urdu language. The said book is the collection of questions answers in Urdu. The book is categorized and there are a lot of information and general knowledge about Islam, Islamic countries, Christian countries, Pakistan, Inventions, rivers, birds and animals, sports and many more in Urdu language This book is very helpful for preparation for an interview for a job in Pakistan because you will be asked different questions, so this book can make you selected for any kind of job in Pakistan. You can free download and read online Aalmi Malumat for free from the below blinking tabs/buttons. Read more ยป

Urdu Novel Devta All 50 parts Pdf Free Download

Download or read online free Urdu Novel "Devta" by Mohiuddin Nawab. Devta Urdu novel is the longest novel of the world. Devta was published in a monthly Urdu magazine Suspense Digest for 33 years and become a world record of being a longest novel ever in the history of novels. Urdu novel Devta was started published in monthly Suspense Digest in 1977 and the final episode was published in 2010. Devta novel is a story of Farhad Ali Taimor who amazed people by telepathy . Farhad Ali Taimor is philatelist in the story. Click here to download "Telepathy Sekhiye" an Urdu tutorial book of telepathy. The author of Devta novel, Mr. Mohiuddin Nawab is a well known writer from Pakistan. Mohiuddin Nawab has written more than 500 social stories including lengthy and short stories. Devta Urdu novel contains on 50 volumes and here you will free download or read online all parts from below; Read more ยป

Sahih Muslim in Urdu All Volumes 1-6 Pdf Free Download

Download or read online one of the most trusted 6 books of Hadith e.g "Sahih Muslim Shareef" in Urdu language. The author of Sahih Muslim is Imam-e-Muslim R.A. Hazrat Imam-e-Muslim R.A is a great, popular, most trusted and authentic Muhaddith of Islam. He has written many books but this book is about Hadiths. There are many books of Hadiths but the Islamic scholars have declared 6 books of Hadiths most trusted and authentic. These authentic Hadith books are Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Tirmizi, Sahih Sanan Abu Daud, Sahih Nasai and Sahih Ibn-e-Maja. Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are most authentic and trusted. Muslim Shareef is contained on 6 volumes/Jilds, here you will easily download or read online all 6 volumes of Sahih Muslim Sharif in Urdu language from the below. Sahih Muslim has been translated into various languages of the world but these volumes of Sahih Muslim are translated into Urdu language by Allama Waheed Uzzaman. Here you will only download separately ...

Zakheera Islami Malumat Sawalan Jawaban Pdf Download

Download or read online Urdu Free Urdu Book "Zakheera Islami Maloomat, Sawalan Jawaban", compiled by Maulana Mohammad Ghufran. Zakhira Islami Maloomat is a marvelous Urdu book about Islamic General knowledge. Zakhira Islami Maloomat Urdu book is contained on different Islamic questions and its answers. This book will increase your general knowledge. This book will also helpfull for CSS exam preparation because there are alot of Islamic information. The author Mr. Maulana Mohammad Ghufran has tried his best and collected different Islamic Informations from different books related to Islamic histories like Rooh Ul Ma'ani, Ibn-e-Kathir, Ma'ariful-Qur'aan, Khazan, Tirmizi, Bukhari, Shami, Mishkwat, Abu Daud, Hidayah and Mazhari. If you are looking for Islamic general knoweledge in Urdu language then this book is for you. Zakhira Islami Maloomat Urdu book has two parts and you can free download both parts or free read these online from the below. Have a watch on the br...

Jadu Aur Kahanat Ki Hasiyat Pdf Urdu Book Download

Download or read online Free Urdu book "Jadu aur Kahanat Ki Hasiyat", authored by Shykh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz and translated into Urdu language by Mohammad Ismail Mohammad Bashir. This is a small book of 22 pages about the magic and its status in Islam. In the said book the author has collected Hadiths and verses of Qur'aan, related to Magic. Download this small free Urdu book or read it online from below Read more ยป

Hazrat Ba-Yazeed Bastami Aur Oun Ka Ek Padri Se Mukalma

Download or read online Free Urdu book "Hadrat Bayazeed Bastami R.A Aur Oun Ka Aik Padri Se Mukalma" (The dialogue Between Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami and a Priest), authored by Maulana Hafiz Mohammad Aslam Zahid. In this Urdu book you will learn about Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami R.A and his dialogue with a priest. The author has also describe a love story of a Man who was loving his wife and face an Islamic problem about divorce in the era of Caliph Mansoor. The said book is very interesting because of Christian priest questions from Hazrat Ba-Yazeed Bastami and his replies. The priest had asked very un-usual questions from Hazrat Ba-yazeed Bastami R.A but Hazrat had replied all questions with very beautiful answers. This is a brief Urdu book of 42 pages published in 2004 with price of only Rs.12. But now you can download or read online this book free. Read more ยป

Jhotay Dajjal K Fitnay Book by Zia Uddin Free Download

Download or read online Free Urdu book "Jhotay Dajjal K Fitnay" (The devils/Fitnas of False Dajjal), authored by Maulanan Zia Uddin Qasmi who is an Indian citizen and Islamic scholar. Jhotay Dajjal K Fitnay Pdf Urdu book was published by Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Shariat, Kolkata India. This Urdu book is about to vanish the misconceptions among Muslims. The author Maulana Zia Uddin Qasmi has also emphasized the unity of the Muslim Ummah. He has also collected some verses from Qur'an with Urdu translation and also collected some Hadiths in this small Urdu book Jhotay Dajjal K Fitnay. Download free or read online Jhotay Dajjal K Fitnay from the below blinking tabs for free. Read more ยป

Maut Aur Qabar K Hairan Kun Waqiat Urdu Book Download

Download or read online Free Urdu book "Maut Aur Qabar K Hairan Kun Waqiat" (Wonderful events of death and grave), authored by Mohammad Anwar Memon who is also known as Mohammad Anwar Bin Akhtar. Maut Aur Qabar K Hairan Kun Waqiat pdf Urdu book is written according to Islam. Author has discussed the reality of death and its pain, the situation of the body in the grave etc. In the said book, the author has also collected Hadiths related to death. He says that death is a gift for the active Muslims (Momin). According to the author, Muslims and non-Muslims see Angels during the time of his death. The author has also described the 6 signs of an active real Muslim e.g Momin and sinful Muslim during his/her death time with reference to a Hadith. Similarly the author has also described about the events of graves, some interesting stories of sudden deaths. The author has also described the death stories of some real active Muslims. This is a very interesting book, you can download or...

Tareekh-e-Tabri Urdu Vol 1-7 Complete Book Download

Download or read online Free Islamic History books "Tareekh-e-Tabri", authored by  Allama Abi Jafar Mohammad Bin Jarer Al-Tabri. Tareekh-e-Tabri is a popular and trusted Urdu book about complete Islamic History From Hazrat Adam A.S to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. In the said book the author  Allama Abi Jafar Mohammad Bin Jarer Al-Tabri has also narrated the important stories of the Ummahs of different prophets. He has also described the stories of Islamic Caliphs and Kings related to Islam. The author, is one of the most Popular Islamic historian and he has tried his best to serve a real stories of our Ummat as well as the stories of other Prophets and their Ummats. Tareekh-e-Tabri has been translated into various languages. This book is in Urdu language, contained on 7 volumes and you can download free in parts or read online. Look at the sample pages of the books in Pdf format from below. I have sketched the Muqadma/preface of the book below along with brief descriptions. Read more...

Maulana Tariq Jameel K Ibrat Angaiz Bayanat Book Download

Download or read online Urdu Islamic book "Maulana Tariq Jameel K Ibrat Angez Bayanat", authored by Maulana Arsalan Bin Akhtar. This book is about the lesson-able speeches of the most popular Islamic Scholar of Pakistan, Mr. Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahib. Maulana Tariq Jameel is a Deobandi Islamic scholar related to Tablighi Jamat in Pakistan. The Tablighi Jamat is a non profit and non politic organization, working to spread Islam and to call Muslims to Islam. Maulana Tariq Jameel is a respected Islamic scholar and may be a unique Islamic scholar in Pakistan who is not controversial in Pakistan. In the said book, the author Mr. Maulana Arsalan Bin Akhtar has collected his speeches. You can download this book free or read it online. Read more ยป

Firdous-e-Iblees All Parts 1-4 Complete Free Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Firdous-e-Ibless", (The Paradise of Iblees e.g Satan or devil). This Urdu book is about the story of notorious satanic person Hassan Bin Sabah who has built his own paradise in Alamut northern Iran about ten centuries ago that is why the author named this book as the heaven of Iblees or Firdous-e-Ibless. Hassan Bin Sabah used Hashish to intoxicate his followers due to which their followers has accepted him as a God and their father. His followers came to known as Hashashins, the European historians named them as Assassins. These Assassins were extremely obedient to his father Hassan Bin Saba even when if Hassan Bin Sabah order any of his follower to kill himself he used to commit suicide. Hassan Bin Sabah Claimed that he is getting directions from God directly, Nauzu Billah. Hassan Bin Sabah's Assassins have killed many Islamic personalities and Heroes of that time, they attempted 4 murder attacks on Salah Uddin Ayubi but he fortunately ...

Jab Dunya Raiza Raiza Ho Jaegi Book Download

Download or read online Urdu Islamic book "Jab Dunya Raiza Raiza Ho Jaegi" (When the world will be destroyed into pieces) authored by Dr. Abdur Rahman Al-Arifi and translated into Urdu language by Qari Mohammad Iqbal Abdul Aziz. Jab Duniya Reza Reza Hojaegi Urdu book is about the terrible of the Judgement Day (Qayamah) in the light of Islam. This book was also translated into English language with title name of "The End of the World". The author Mr. Abdur Rahman Al Arifi has written many books but the said book Jab Dunya Raiza Raiza Hojaegi is about the signs of the Judgement Day when this world will end. Mohamad bin Abdul Rahman al-Arefe (born 16 July 1970), is an Islamist theologian from Saudi Arabia. He holds the position of Imam of the Mosque of the King Fahd academy of the Saudi Navy. He is a student of Ibn Baz. His books are very famous in the Muslim world. Read more ยป

Sunehray Faislay Book by Abdul Malik Mujahid Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Sunehray Faislay" (Golden Judgement) authored by Abdul Malik Mujahid who is an American Muslim, religious leader, activist, film producer, and non-profit entrepreneur, as well as an interfaith activist. He was born in Pakistan in 1951. The said Urdu language book Sunehray Faislay is about the historical decisions and Judgments by Muslims Judges (Qazi). Since Islam emphasizes over justice and Adal and there is a great reward in Qiamah for those who is Aadil (the one who is equitable) and keeps justice. According to Islam, first of all Aadils will be called to the shadow of Arsh on the day of Judgement. In this pdf Urdu book Sunehray Faislay, the author Mr. Abdul Malik Mujahid has described the important of Justice and Adal in Islam first. He has collected many verses from the Holy Quran about Justice and Adal. He has spotlighted many aspects and Islamic Adal and Justice like evidence and profs etc. The special matter of this book is that the ...

Pas-e-Parda Haqaiq Lal Masjid by Tariq Ismail Sagar

Download or read online Urdu book "Pas-e-Parda Haqaiq Laal Masjid Operation Silence", authored by Tariq Ismail Sagar who is a popular Urdu novelist, writer, journalist, columnist and current affairs' expert. This book is about a raid by Pak Army Jawans over a Mosque (Laal Masjid) inside the capital of Pakistan Islamabad because the insiders of the said Masjid and Madrassa were accused to involved in illegal activities. The Musharraf government named this operation as operation silence. In this book Laal Masjid Operation Silence, the author has exposed some hidden facts about this operation as the author had been watching the scenario from its beginning. The author has criticized the Musharraf government, according to the author, Musharrad government did not allowed media to access the real facts. Do not miss to download this free Urdu book, Lal Masjid operation Silence for free. Read more ยป

Tabah Shuda Tehzeebain Urdu Book Download

Download or read online Urdu Book "Tabah Shuda Tehzeebain" (the destroyed civilizations), authored by Jared Mason Diamond who is an American scientist and author best known for his popular science books The Third Chimpanzee, Guns, Germs, and Steel, Collapse and The World Until Yesterday. Tabah Shuda Tehzeebain Urdu book may be the Urdu translation of Jared Diamond's book 'Collapse'. Collapse English language book of Jared Diamond was translated into Urdu language by Sajjad Karim Anjum and named it as Tabah Shuda Tehzeebain. The credit of this book goes to Mr. Sajjad Karim Anjum who worked hard and translated this book into Urdu language. By clicking the below blinking buttons, you can download or read online this book for free. Read more ยป

Amreeka Ray Amreeka Urdu Pdf Book Free Download

Download or read online Urdu Safarnama "Amrica Re Amrica", authored by Tariq Ismail Sagar. America ray America Urdu book is the visit story of the author Mr. Tariq Ismail Sagar who visited America and converted his experiences into this book Amreeka Ray Amreeka". The author Tariq Ismail Sagar has written many books. He is a popular author, journalist, columnist and current affair expert. In this book, he  has written many things about United states tauntingly. He describes that Americans use 110 volt electricity instead of 220, as in Pakistan, people use 220 voltage. He writes in a sneering manner that many Americans are fatherless. However the author has mentioned some positive points of Americans people. According to the author the American children learn computer in their childhood. This is a very informative book too because the author has mentioned many things about America that are still strange for Pakistanis. So download or read online America Ray America from th...

Rooh Ki Bemariyan Aur Un Ka Elaj Pdf Book Download Free

Download or read online free Urdu book about spiritual diseases "Rooh Ki beemariyan Aur Un Ka Ilaj", authored by Maulana Hakeem Mohammad Akhtar in Urdu language, This Urdu book is about the spiritual diseases and their cure and remedies. Physical diseases are cured by Doctors but the spiritual diseases are cured by Islamic scholars, they suggest you some Islamic spirituals acts and by following those steps a victim of spiritual diseases like "Virtual Love". According to Islam, the actual love is that in which a person falls in love with only Allah and their Holy Prophet, Prophet Mohammad SAW, and this actual love means spending life by following the Holy Prophet's every Sunnah and Allah's orders. Rooh Ki Bemariyan Aur Oun Ka Elaj means the spiritual diseases and their treatments. The author has also mentioned the interpretations of Maulana Roomi R.A about Virtual love. Vitrual Love, Jealousy, Anger, Arrogance and the habit of seeing to Non-Mehram women are d...

Urdu Book Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A", authored by Abu Rehan Zia Ur Rehman Farooqi. This is a small Urdu book of 24 pages, about the life of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A, who was one of the most popular followers of the Holy Prophet, Prophet Mohammad SAW. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was a brave Muslim and a great warrior who contributed in many Jehad against non-Muslims. The author of this book, Mr. Zia Ur Rehman Farooqi has described all about Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed. He has written about the biography, family, his birth, childhood, teenage and many related stories to Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A. The author has also described about Khalid Bin Waleed before accepting Islam. This book will also clarify the Pashtuns' misconception that Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was either Pashtun or not. This book is in Urdu language and you can download or read it online from below; Read more ยป

Thanday Dil Se Sochiye Urdu Book Download Free

Download or read online a free Interesting Urdu book "Thanday Dil Se Sochiye" authored by Hy Ruchlis and translated into Urdu language by Qazi Javed. This book is actually the Urdu translation of Hy Ruchlis' book "Clear Thinking". Thanday Dil Se Sochiye, is about the mind power and thinking talents. The author has emphasized the importance of thinking, he has narrated the rules of thinking and making suitable decisions. In Thanday Dil Se Sochiye Urdu book, the author has tried his best to teach the readers about thinking talent and mind power with the help of some interesting examples, like he describes about the story of an officer who is on duty at the US atomic missiles base at north pole and his good thinking saved the world from the third world war. Similarly there is also another story of a 10 years old child who lifts a bird from 30 inch deep hole because of his thinking and mind power. This book is really helpful book and may increase your intelligence, ...

Shahab Nama By Qudrat Ullah Shahab Pdf Download

Download or read online popular Urdu book "Shahab Nama", authored by a famous author Mr. Qudrat Ullah Shahab (late) in Urdu language. Shahab Nama is a large book, it is one of the most read books in Pakistan. This book Shahab Nama is actually the biography of the author who started in 1938. The author was born in 26 February 1917 in Gilgit Biltistan, Pakistan. Shahab Nama made Qudrat Ullah Shahab popular and introduced him as a best writer. Later on the Shahab Nama also published in English Language. Pakistan post has also issued a ticket of Rs. 15 dedicated to the author Mr. Qudrat Ullah Shahab. Shahab Nama contained the personal experiences of the author during his life and the partition of United India. In Shahab Nama, Mr. Qudrat Ullah Shahab has collected those stories related to him, which matters to a common Pakistani and interested to him/her. You can download this free Urdu book or read it online from below blinking tabs for free. Read more ยป

Quran Science Aur Technology Urdu Book Download

Download or read online free Urdu Book "Quran Science Aur Technology", authored by Shafi Haider Danish Siddiqui. As the book name discloses, the said book is about Quran about Science and technology. The author has described many things related to modern science and their relations to the verses of Holy Qur'an. He has also spotlighted Bing Bang, the Judgement Day (Qiamah) and Gravity, ship building, broadcasting, the atomic reactor of hell, the steps of creation of Human, Glass technology, the mummy of Pharaoh, water and shipping, the sun movement, water and life, the oxygen system of plants, modern weapons, the water budget of earth and many other similar topics in the light of Quran. Do not miss to download this free Urdu book or read it online for free.  Read more ยป

Pakistan Aalmi Sazish K Nirghay Main Book Download

Download or read online interesting Urdu book "Pakistan Aalmi Sazish K Nirghay Main", authored by Tariq Ismail who is a famous novelist, journalist, columnist and current affairs expert. He has always written bravely and in this book, he has written about the forces behind the terrorism in Pakistan. He has exposed a great game against Pakistan. He has also exposed different conspiracies against Pakistan. The author has also criticized the IMF program related to Pakistan. Similarly, American Black Water, Indian Aquatic aggression and American military aggression and many similar topics make this book more attractive and interesting to readers. Pakistan Aalmi Sazish K Nirghe Me is a must read book, so do not miss to read this free Urdu book. You can download this Urdu book or read online from the below blinking tabs. Read more ยป

Manain Na Manain Urdu Book by Dale Carnegie

Download or read online Pdf Urdu book "Manain Na Manain", authored by Dale Breckenridge Carnegie and translated into Urdu language by Sayyad Ali Imran Jalal Puri. The author of this Urdu Book, Mr. Dale Carnegie has written various books and more than his 6 books are translated in to Urdu language. His books are translated into 38 different languages. The said book Manain Na Manain is about the interesting stories of those person who got their achievements and became success people in the world for example, in this book there is a story of a prisoner who became a success author during his 5 years confinement, but how? download this free Urdu language book or read online from the below and learn more about such a people and their accidental successes. Read more ยป

Science Kia Hai? Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Download or read online Urdu book "Science Kia Hai?" (What is science), authored by Norman Robert Campell who is a philosepher of science and a British physicist. This book is a short introduction to the philosophy of science aimed at a lay audience. Other than attempting to answer the question raised in the title of the book, it tries to answer some of the central questions of the philosophy of science, such as "what is a law of nature?" and "what is measurement" This book is actually the Urdu translation of Norman Robert's book "What is Science?". The credit of this book goes to Arif Uzzaman who has worked hard and translated this book into Urdu language. In the said book you will find scientific theories, definitions, scientific laws. Read more ยป

Maut K Farishtay Se Mulaqat Urdu Book Download

Download or read online Urdu Islamic Book "Maut K Farishte se Mulaqat" (Meeting with the angel of Death), authored by Maulana Amir Hamza, who is also the author of Safarnama " Roos K Ta'aqub Main ". Maut K Farishtey Se Mulaqat Urdu book is about the scenarios of a Human after death according to Islam. The said book is full of advises for Muslims. The author Maulana Ameer Hamza has described the situations of a human at the time of his end, the situations in the grave, the joyful reception and protocol for Momins (a good Muslim), the situations of non-Muslims and sinner  Muslims, the scenarios of human being when they would get up from the graves and complete situations of the people sentenced in the hell. May Allah forgive us. The author has also narrated some good Islamic tips in the light of Hadiths and Islam.   Read more ยป